Remove Leaf Nodes from Trees — (JAVA)

Aditya Patil
2 min readJan 14, 2021


Elements of Tree

Leaf Node : The node with 0 child is a leaf node in tree .

  • The approach to this problem solving — to remove the leaf nodes from any tree , is , with the help of recursion . We will work on root node , and recursion will take care of the children ( all the sub-trees of node ) of the root node .
  • Here we are using dfs (Depth First Search) , to solve this problem , you can also use bfs ( using queue ) to solve this problem .
  • Time Complexity : O (n) (Since we need to visit every node)

Note : This problem is generally asked in many interviews of product based companies .

  1. Remove Leaf Node from a Generic Tree / N-ary Tree
  • In n-ary / generic tree , if node has 0 children , then that node is a leaf .
  • If such case encounter simply return null (node will be null) .
  • Similarly , traverse to all nodes using recursion .
if (root.children.size() == 0){
root = null;
return root;

for(int i=root.children.size()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){
if (removeLeafNodes(root.children.get(i)) == null){
return root;

2. Remove Leaf Node from a Binary Tree

  • Since Binary Tree have maximum two nodes , if and only both nodes are null , return null . (that node will be set to null)
  • Similarly , traverse to left and right sub-tree .
if (root == null){
return root;

if (root.left == null && root.right == null){
return null;

root.left = removeAllLeaves(root.left);
root.right = removeAllLeaves(root.right);

return root;

Bonus : These are some problems you can solve after reading this article .




Aditya Patil
Aditya Patil

Written by Aditya Patil

Hey , I am Aditya Patil , enthusiast about Computer Science and Technology .. Learning , Gaining and Distributing !!!

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